A crude term used to describe a piece of media or behaviour characterized by senselessness, nihilism and overall lack of substance.
-Did you see the latest MrBeast video?
-No that's retard shit.
Why the fuck would you look this up
Like seriously, you are a retarded banana in a box.
Someone that doesn’t realize they a wranglin people.
Glitch is a retard wrangling bozo.
Someone that doesn’t realize that they are a retard wrangler, and is completely oblivious to that fact, or accepts and ignores it.
That guy said he wants his team wants to be top fifty, but he’s just a retard wrangling bozo.
when your mad and dont have any more comebacks to say
Person 1: stupid retard kys
Person 2: ꧅𒈙𒐫﷽꧅𒐫𒈙⸻𒐫﷽ဪဪ𒈙𒐫꧅ဪ𒈙﷽﷽﷽𒐫꧅ဪ𒐫𒈙͝𒈙﷽꧅
A person residing in a first world country, most likely Caucasian with lots of time to waste, that thinks the whole fucking world revolves around them and their schizophrenic political views (Left or Right).
“Qanon told me that Big homo is trying to turn me into a beta male by feeding me soy burgers and putting fluoride in the water and this makes sense because my friends that are allergic to Olanzapine all think the same thing and also Ted K is fucking based.”
“I am a lesbian, trans woman that is punching up and fighting the patriarchy by getting in screaming matches about esoteric gender concepts I learned about on Reddit with people that barely graduated highschool because it heightens my chances of getting that sweet superiority complex bump”
“Damn those people got like, politically induced retardation or something. If only they found a hobby that didn’t piss everyone else off”