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Wow dumb bitches really don’t know what anime is.

Anime is a show u watch 😀

by December 22, 2020


the japanese bullshit that needs to be stopped already >_>

fgt 1: hey did you watch the last episode of The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya

fgt 2: im not interesed into anime you weeb

by shut up loser April 5, 2017


an anime is a show or other say it "cartoon". It has a lot of whatever genres you like.

Weeb:"Hey what type of anime do you watch?"
Haters:"Isnt a cartoon for lilltle kids?"
Weeb: nani?

by animehaha April 14, 2019


A japenese cartoon

Oh look he’s watching anime

by Wisteria_Tiger March 19, 2021


The reason why the human race is doomed.

Anime is the worst thing ever

by Army of turtle land December 17, 2022


anime is cool and if ur looking for a cool one to watch u can watch boku no pico or maybe jojos bizzare adventure theyre kinda the same they are really cool and if u like them allot allot u can watch this thing called hentai and yea

anime cool

by fucker90001 August 30, 2022


Japanese cartoons that will be the sole cause of world war 3

"what are you watching?"
"is anyone on this planet decent?"

by Mimzus June 1, 2023