Typing in all capital letters via text, email, chat, etc., by accident and (or) not on purpose. Meaning I'm not yelling.
A slang term often used by young people referring to not lying. Some people might say:❌🧢
A phrase meaning the person using it is vowed to do what has come before the “no cap”
No cap, Imma about to beat the shit put this kid
No cap can mean that you're “not lying”.
But it also can mean anything. From “what’s up”, to “yes”
There is no cap. Always no cap. There is never a cap.
Word used by under educated african americans.
My weave smells like dog shite NO CAP!!!
No cap is slang for no lying or capping.Some people type it when they see that person is lying so they say "No cap" but they are like this is cap
No cap capping
No cap