A very large posterior, especially when referring to an attractive woman.
Damn, that gurl has a dump truck
Short form of an unpopular meme of a website called 4 chan
"dump truck talking shit"
When a person acts like a preachy boomer of the 60s or someone who can't enjoy humor
Person B : dang this dump truck talking shit
A rather large or obese woman often associated with sexual encounters while intoxicated. Usually sporting a tube top that is several sizes too small, also associated with broken leaf springs in diesel trucks. You can usually find them at your local small town bar.
Dude did you see Kevin taking home that dump truck? He's really upping the intake and dropping the standards
A court appointed attorney. Usually they are inept and ineffective as counsel due to huge caseloads and the fact that they are working on salary
Having no money to hire an attorney, the superior court judge assigned a dump truck to represent me.
Usually when there are problems in the friendship and one doesn’t think it’ll last.
If the relationship was strong the person being dumped will go through a lot of mental pain.
Friend 1: “I feel like we are heading in different paths, our friendship won’t last in the long run.”
Friend 2: “Are you serious? Everything I’ve done for you. Where could’ve it gone wrong. I can’t believe you just friend dumped me.
The act of placing one fist on top of the other and inserting it into the anus of your partner.
Grandma K is crazy I can’t believe she invented the cab over dump truck!