Dylaned: To fuck something up badly, person or item.
Example: I dylaned the motor in the car
Getting embarrassingly rejected by someone after they led you on for weeks of flirting and talking.
A Dylan nice is a Willy that has flaccid foreskin with dickscab commonly known as the funkops skin in fortnite
Hi my name is Dylan nice I’m a skin in fortnite
big nigga dylan (also known as the niggler) is a big white racist who often has meeting with the KKK and other big time racist groups.
wassup big nigga dylan how ya doing!
Dylan Wallace is a big fat pedo that idols to be Chaz Phoenix. He is known for having a sister that gets pounded by a big horse cocked man who shall not be named.
Dylan Wallace is such a beast
Dylan Wahlund is one the coolest guys you know, even doe you dont know anyone named Dylan Wahlund, theres always someone reminding about him. The dudes really rad och smart ofcourse.
He never does make mistakes but when he does its a big mistake,. He also aces almost everything unkess he doesnt want to ofcourse.
1. That dude is really rad and cool, i think its a Dylan Wahlund.
2. Omg that was a giant mistake, its probably Dylan Wahlund