Throwing up 4s means you get zero females
Look he’s throwing up 4s. I knew he didn’t get any females.
Madly in love with tyler and want give him the gawk gawk 3000
Emily was throwing up 4 as she wants tyler
You are fully loyal to one partner
I was throwing up 4s in that pic to show that I'm loyal to my girl.
Throwing up 4s means you get a insane amount of bitches
That whole friend groups throwing up 4s
Throwing up 4s means you’re a walking bucket and you pull friend groups all at once
yoooo look at that girl throwing up 4s , she must get hella bitches
When you get cheated on
Look at mikes new post he was throwing up 4s, he must’ve gotten cheated on.
Throwing up 4s is showing how much of a homophobic you are. You hate gay people
Look he’s throwing up 4s, I support how homophobic he is