Outdated laws that seem silly, but are still rules and regulations in the United States.
A dumb law in Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church
People who think Asami Sato is boring
asami sato is not boring you're just dumb and wrong and yes that's a fact look it up on urban dictionary
a Dumb-Dere is a dere who's dumb.
A dumb dere is simply a very adorable dere who's dumb
"@DCSRyan on twitter is a dumb-dere :^)"
A momentary lapse of intelligence. Even the smartest people are hovering above "the dumb" most of the time, and when intelligence lapses, they "dip into the dumb" - hopefully not for very long, before they recover and pull out of the dumb.
Not to be confused with a memory lapse, as dumb dips involve people with their mental faculties fully in tact.
"Did you see that guy on Jeopardy last night? He was doing so amazing but made the dumbest mistake on Final Jeopardy and lost everything. That was a very costly dumb dip!"
A mix of the words dumbf*** and dips***.
Don't put your underwear on your head you stupid dumb-dip!
used in doja cat's song vegas as i quote "you aint nothin' but a dumb player i get it"
i cant give an example of shit i already did
dumb player