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someone who speaks three languages English, Stupid and Thot. Somone who is only good for dicking down and exposing her body.

Vidya is such a thot she gets with all the boys

by getschwifty69 April 3, 2018



Lol thot

by Thot BEGON May 29, 2018


A thot can mean That Hoe Over There, or just a girl who’s constantly on her phone, and a general jerk to all other people outside her friend group. It can also take on the meaning of a female that a person/people hate.

James: Ashley is a thot.

by Alphabetical Courier April 3, 2018


a male or female who has sex with a lot of guys

that girl slept with a lot of guys she is a thot

by factsstraitofmyass October 10, 2019


A thot is a friend that is a slut sorry...

Find a friend that is a thot and tell them.

by Tiktok32 October 29, 2019



Aleayah is a thot

by YungSriracha January 13, 2019


a type of slut or a hoe

person 1: All Women are queens!
person 2: If She Breathes, SHE'S A THOT!!!!!

*insert aggressive light saber fighting*

by kaachanwewerefive- June 23, 2021