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put a d--k in it!

(phrase) The overall feeling of contempt one gets from having to be around bothersome, slutty women on a regular basis which leads to the overwhelming desire to say "put a d--k in it!". It is very similar to the phrase 'put a sock in it' but is more suggestive given the nature & tendencies of set women.

Sam: "Did you hear Dennis broke up with Cindy?"

Chris: "No way? What happened?"

Sam: "Well, he told me that he got so sick of her blabbing on and on about the most pointless crap whenever they were together. So he stopped her mid-sentence, looked at her dead in the eyes and said, "Oh put a d--k in it! Dammit!"

by crazykidcarlson91 April 27, 2011

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Mr. Dan K.

A pseudonym for dank weed that one can use around parents, non-smoking friends and family, and anyone else who isn't blessed enough to know how good a bowl of dank weed really is.

CJ (whose non-smoking Mom is standing right next to him): Have you seen Mr. Dan K. lately?

Chief: As a matter of fact I have. He came over to my house last night and hung out with me until about 10 p.m., when I fell asleep on the couch.

by Tankerbell May 14, 2011

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SELLIN KIDS COKE: the killa est graf crew to grace you moms veeger sonny... to sell kids coke ...to steal krylon cans... to suicide kill comandos... all those are proper ill terms for that shit son S K C what

SKC: he was a true ass skc when he sold that kid coke... s k c what.

by billy clarke February 6, 2008

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Double j/k

The double j/k is a sometimes annoying practice of saying jk/j/k multiple times in a row. It is thus an example of epiphora, for you linguistic nerds out there. Ordinarily used when messing with someone. Occasionally double j/k's are used to make someone THINK you were joking.

Prima: I banged your sister.
Secunda: WHAT!?
Prima: also I crashed your car.

Prima: double j/k! *cough*

Prima: I hate you.
Secunda: D:
Prima: j/k!
Secunda: ..you ass.
Prima: YOU'RE an ass, God, you're such a fuckhead sometimes! I can't believe you!
Secunda: wha--but--I--
Prima: J/K! Hahahaha!
Secunda: -_-;

by ReySquared May 17, 2009

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Collins with a K

The most ultimate teacher on the planet. Requires a distinction between other Collinses in the area, hence the K.

"Dang, Collins with a K is wearing the cutest shoes today."

by Dude November 23, 2004

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An abreviation of the word skraps. skraps being a collocial word for fighting.

it is not often used by the fighters but by people in the audience trying to garb others attention who are unaware of the fight

asshole#1: S-K-raps
asshole#2: where abouts
asshole#1: outside. hurry they're just starting.

by Craig Vernon March 9, 2008

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k, random girl?

1. a phrase used to tag unknown and superfluous people who don't belong in facebook pictures.
2. a term of massive disrespect to denigrate a person's status on facebook

Q: Who is that bitch in your facebook picture?

A: I don't know... K, random girl?

by cherylstanga April 30, 2009

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