The green moldy fungus type substance in the role of a Mexican lady's neck, It usually reeks of anus smothered in refried beans and avocado topped with sour cream and cilantro with a hint rotten limes....
Sniff the gross neck marr on that fat greasy Mexican lady as you are nibbling on her neck during a sweaty eight hour make out session....
A National Holiday where you slap people's necks on April 21.
Josh got his neck slapped on National Open Neck Day.
To want to neck is to wish to kill oneself (by hanging).
(Similar to "I want to die".)
Oh my god, I have four assignments this week and two presentations... It's causing me to want to neck!
Synonym for a male appendage.
She got hit in the face with Jack's wrinkle neck bass
A way to refer to a cat that sleeps or lays on your or other's neck's
My cat slept on my necked call it Neck-kitty
a girl has deep throated so many boys her neck done got soft; a female who can take it to the head without gaggin; a female has gotten teabagged so many times her throat soft; a girl who
Insanely good oral sex performed on a man
Malik: Boy NayNay just gave me some gobble neck. Shit was hitting.
John: *makes turkey noise*
Malik: *repeats turkey noise*