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douche juice

Its Worse then being a douche bag and even worse then being a douche nozzle

I hate that douche juice

Why does james have to be fucken douche juice

by MerCoots April 16, 2008

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ocean juice

kansas city slang for water.

hey bro you got some ocean juice?
man that’s some good ocean juice.

by isnotmyname February 26, 2019

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Forbidden Juice

Alcohol to an underage person, something that we can't have.

"Why are you in such a bitchy mood?"
"Sorry, I am so hungover, we were drinking forbidden juice last night."

by drunkaf October 31, 2011

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throw juice

1. a euphemism for ejaculation.
cranberry juice = period blood
strawberry juice = regular blood

2. throw a juicebox or some such thing to someone who has asked for it

1. Yo, I'ma throw juice up in her box, nah mean?

2. Hey bro, can you throw me that juice?

by mcire November 17, 2008

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Jihad Juice

A foul tasting/smelling blend of blood, anal secretions, shit, semen, and sweat created when a man (usually a jihadi) fucks a farm animal hard.

Qassim Aziz: Oooh, Abu Salat! This goat was delivered to me by Allah himself!

Abu Salat: Dammit, be more careful, Qassim Aziz! You are splattering me with Jihad Juice!

by shantibebeh July 29, 2016

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gum juice

The juice (saliva) that builds up in your mouth right after chewing a fresh piece of gum.

Nikki accidentally choked on gum juice after popping a fresh piece of Orbit into her mouth.

by unicincy July 8, 2014

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Jazzy Juice

1 handle of vodka (the cheaper the friskier you will get)
2 40's of beer (any kind will do)
1 bottle of ANDRE peach champagne
1/2 frozen can of limeade (follow instructions for water)
1 frozen can of pink lemonade (same)
ice cubes
large Gatorade jug

= recipe for a frisky jazzy and rawrgasmic disaster

drink with caution ... this drink will make your panties drop

No need for an example of Jazzy Juice ... make it and share your stories with all!

by Frijazz April 8, 2011

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