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Is that what a retard would do or...

Everything I do is what a genius would do. That's how being a genius works retard.

Hym "Is that what a retard would do or..."

by Hym Iam January 12, 2024

retard watching

When a retard does something stupid for no reason, and you start to awkwardly watch.

The kid stood up in class and began to furiously hump his chair, as I began awkward retard watching.

by Markimoo777 May 8, 2016

selective retard

Someone who acts stupid when they actually know what’s going on

Tyler:Gabe is such a selective retard…

Jake:I know right! He acts so stupid.

by MARCUS IS THE GOAT October 5, 2021

Patronising retard

some who patronises the person with learning disability, in a retarded defining way

man that arsehole patronising that poor man like a patronising retard I feel so sorry for the poor man with a disability,

by jekylls new Hyde July 16, 2020

retard andrew

your friend named andrew, that likes men and has autism. he plays fortnite and is addicted to macie. cums to minecraft rule 34 while eating pizza rolls on a pop tart

My friend is a retard andrew

by andrewbie March 19, 2022

retard laughing

when someone tries to do a fucking horrible laugh to mock a disabled person


bro, stop retard laughing. you aren't funny.

by SICKPIGS April 22, 2023

pretentious cunt fucker cunt bitch cunt retard

Daniel whenever he feels the need to share his various experiences of having sex once and smoking THC

pretentious cunt fucker cunt bitch cunt retard
Daniel: I have a woman that looks like she came out of Chernobyl
Costa: shut the fuck up cunt
Daniel: mAd CuZ jEaLoUs

by costa the cunt head August 9, 2021