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Tits-up Tuesday

Every day of the week has a name. Monday is Blue Monday. Wednesday is Hump Day. Thursday is F.I.S.T. Day (fuck, it's still Thursday). Friday is TGIF or POETS Day (Piss off early, tomorrow is Saturday (Australian)). Tuesday is when the consequences of Mondays activities come home to roost - slightly delayed Karma. Typically, things go Tits-up on Tuesdays.

It's just another Tits-up Tuesday. I will fix it by COB on Hump Day with a bit of luck.

by inx13 July 21, 2022

Up Chuck

Throwing up, or kicking someone hard in the face...

Hey mum I just up chucked on the carpet...

Hey Bro come at me I will up chuck on your face bruv

by Mr Eggs April 15, 2019

Closed up

metaphor for smoking Bud!

John have you closed up that blount yet?

by Lighter21 July 2, 2007

Messed up

Any person named Ari or Arianna is just messed up, in general.

"That's messed up."
"Just like Ari over there"

by Midnightdragonroarslikeachilds November 10, 2021

Diap'd up

Used to describe someone wearing a diaper

That baby is diap'd up

by timmybgg October 30, 2022

Tell your gf u wanna break up

Today is april 19 which means its break up with your gf day! walk up to her and say my heart was full with your love but now its filled with coke and gin

HEy. Hey i think we need to break up i like coke and gin more than u it mean i dont want u and i want to move on
Tell your gf u wanna break up means u dont love her lol

by power go April 19, 2023

-1👍 2👎

buttered side up

An expression meaning that everything turned out alright like your toast landing buttered side up.

Her: It's been a rough year, a breakup, lost my job and my best friend..

Me: Chin up, you'll land buttered side up! You always do!

by Siouxsie Supertramp October 2, 2023