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National head day

December 26th is national head day- A day for everyone to give and receive head.( oral sex)

National head day is a day of giving and receiving oral sex. Every December 26th me and my best friend give each other head all day.

by Fitzscoot88 December 25, 2024

National head day

February 3rd is the day you give your boyfriend or best friend head as a thank you for always being there and as a early valentines gift

I want to give me boyfriend some head as a early valentines gift because he treats me right on National head day

by lololoooli February 2, 2022

National head day

On May 4th is When you’re king or queen gives you some good head

Man: aye it’s national head day
Girl: I got you hunny * proceeds to suck til cum*

by Capt_Bagger79 May 4, 2022

National Head day

National head day falls on august 7th you and your partner have to each give each other head. Like wicked good head. Eat that dick eat that pussy

Hey babe today is National head day you know what that means 🤫

by Your moms crib August 2, 2021

National head day

The day your supposed to get some head or else you’ll die alone with yo lame ass

Guy:“Damn it’s national head day
Girl:”Who getting some me or you first?”

by Frfrnocap May 12, 2022

national head day

national head day is thursday december 16

gimme head

national head day

by twin9 December 16, 2021

National Head Day

On March 13 is national give head day, meaning you can ask anybody for head even if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend.

It’s national head day, get down and start sucking.

by KatoWmKiSt March 13, 2022

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