When a female squeezes the male’s balls as the male cums on the female’s face.
“Hey babe, can I get a dirty focharelli tonight?”
When the girl is riding you like a bicycle and a dog comes to sniff both assholes
Dog get out of here this is turning into a Dirty Bicycle
A dirty Giles is where the sexyist boy in the world finger blasts two girls at once whilest shagging his main girl who are commonly Latinas or Moroccans all at the same time he is drinking multiple shots of vodka
My favourite pron is the "dirty Giles"
A dirty Giles is where the sexyist boy normally named Giles can finger blast two girls at once whilest shagging his main girl who are normally sexy Latinas or light skinned girls during all this he is just shoting multiple shots of vodka
My favourite porn is a "dirty Giles"
The act of spanking and feeding berries and cream to your boyfriend while ringing him.
Yesterday I was giving him a Dirty Matteo when his mum walked in
A Dirty Shenton is when a women is so turned off by a man with a little puny dick, that she throws up into her own vagina rather than having sex with the guy
That guy was so repulsive I dirty Shentoned him!
The act of getting a blowjob by a poppet
David made me do him a dirty paola with a “kermit”