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boy tears

It means semen, typically used by a cum whore or a cum slut.

Jess loves boy tears so much she'd rather that be her birthday gift than money or jewelry.

by BarnacleHead February 15, 2017

118๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

spice boy

Usually around the age of 16-25 and they usually pride themselves on appearance. They work out, wear fake tan, usually have/had bleach and always wear some form of gel/hairspray/wax in their hair.

They're are big fans of t-shirts with low necklines which are normally peck exposing (even in winter, put you're nipples away lads!), teamed with some form of necklace or rosary beads (even though they probably aren't religious) and jeans which will vary in style however they will never be skinny or baggy but somewhere in between.

In extreme cases could be mistaken for being gay, however they're usually classed amongst themselves as a "lad's lad". It comes as no surprise when they're typically arrogant and cocky and absolutely love themselves.

girl 1: His fake tan is streakier than mine...
girl 2: I know hes a right spice boy!

spice boy 1: wheres your top from mate? its nice..
spice boy 2: it was ยฃ50 from all saints got it to go with my rosary beads for tonights carnage...

by cunt01 January 9, 2011

62๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

game boy

World's most used brain draining device besides the television

Game boy has pokemon!!! POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!111 OMG TEH POK3M0N!!!11

by jim mavenkhson July 22, 2005

101๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

flower boy

A flower boy is a boy who both looks and acts like a girl. They tend to have feminine habits, such as wearing makeup, and will also be much prettier than any girl you will ever see.

Girl 1: Have you ever seen Ren from Nu'est?
Girl 2: He is such a flower boy.
Girl 1: I know right! Why can't I be as pretty as he is?

by Galaxy Kris June 25, 2014

159๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

mama's boy

1. A grown ass man who tells his momma every damn thing.
2.A man who cant keep a woman because his mommas jealous of his girlfriends, and acts like she his wife;the girlfriend is the other woman.
3. A man that wont take his mouth away from his mommas titty and let go!!

We cant even have a relationship, cause he's such a damn mama's boy, if i fart to loud he runs back and tell his momma;then she call here starting shit.

by Lae June 24, 2006

356๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž

Noodle boy

A young, male hominid devoid of strength and muscle mass. A wimpy, weak and powerless creature loved by bullies.

Janie held his arms behind his back and kicked his ass. He is such a noodle boy.

by Nato22996 January 26, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

altering the boy

term common among Catholic priest and used to describe the process of sodomizing a young acolyte as an initiation into the service of the priest and (and this is a purely incidental benefit) for the base sexual gratification of the priest.

the process of altering a young boys future by initiating him into homo-erotic behavior

what your uncle did to your cousin

Aunt Tittie: Cousin Johnny sure is an odd young man. He has so many nervous tics and habits.

Aunt Vaggie: What a shame and after Father Dicklicker spent soooo much time with him.

Aunt Tittie (light bulb above her head): Oh my, do you think Fr. Dicklicker was altering the boy?

by drpoonandtheteenangels August 28, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž