A "John" (man who has sex with prostitutes) who regularly has sex with one prostitute in particular. The reason he's called a "bounce buddy" is because the prostitute thinks of him as a buddy who has sex with her (less likely him) and then "bounces" (goes away without saying much)
Crystal the prostitute rostitute: I have a guy/gal who at least once a month pays to have sex with me. Each time after he's had sex with me, he leaves without saying much. He's a bounce buddy.
Someone who shares the same thoughts and you only want to share you space with them (bestfriend)
Karalyne and Ann are the bubble buddy’s at the party
the stinkiest but coolest ppl on the planet especially liv
wow those people are really stinky and cool must be the phillip island buddies
One of your opposite sex friends who thinks you're cute and constantly compliments you as a flirty way. You only consider them as a friend but you still can't stop flirting with them either.
A: Are you and him dating?
B: Hell no, we're just friends who flirts sometimes. He's my flirt buddy.
close friendship between people who only know each other over the internet.
That's my mini Buddie criminal_apple19
That one hot nurse in a hospital that has several "ways" to cure her patients. Including but not limited to: handjobs, oral sex, and tit fucking
"Wow dude that hospital was awesome! I had a bedside buddy and everything!"