Basically another word for lying.
William: I was literally born on April Fools day? You don’t think I Cap 365 days of the year….
A lie, something fake, or something that doesn't check out.
"Yesterday I shook Biden's hand"
"That's such cap"
A piece of headwear with a peak, that is for summer.
‘Hey, that hat looks nice what is it?’ - Deric
‘It’s a cap’ - Steve
C A P cap is two expressions a actual cap or just cap. Its a fictional word in peppa pig and baby storys like WOW PEDRO I LOVE YOUR CAP, t-thank you p-peppa hehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheeheh. or When I walked into the room, OMG I SAW LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD wearing a cap.
Hat that has a visor and fits snugly around your head.
I like your cap where did you buy it.
You should put your cap on today it is sunny out.
Have you seen my cap it is missing and I looked everywhere.