Source Code

Stone Cold Steve Frothtins

A nice cold beer. Play on words of the famous wrestler/actor/producer Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Can picture myself getting slammed by a couple of Stone Cold Steve Frothtins this arvo. alcohol

by Mike Dibble April 27, 2020

Cold Ass Riding

A Lifestyle. The famous words spoken in a Brandon Buckingham video, cemented as the greatest motto of all time.

mayo mullen: what is your lifestyle ?? i need to leach

Cold Ass Riding🙏🕊️

by spaghetti-foreskin May 4, 2024

Cold Locked

A state of being, cold hearted & locked away from feeling

The girl left him cold locked when she left and took his spirits with her 🎶

by Cheech17 March 2, 2017

Cold Turkey

A bitch ass mf, pussy, coward everything that makes a nigga scary

Bro tht nigga over there cold turkey, he pure bitch. He dont want no smoke

by Akfrm215p June 6, 2023

Cold turkey

When someone drops their turkey neck and balls in some ice water and then rests them on a sleeping friends face.

Q -Ay Man what was that on my face that woke me up?
A- Bro you just got the cold turkey from Alex.

by Heman468 August 12, 2022

Cold Turkey

When you lay your cold, limp cock across the face of an aquaintence while they are sleeping. Basically tea bagging someone with your dick.

As soon as he falls asleep, im getting his ass back for earlier with a cold turkey.

by TFroster November 1, 2009

Cold Turkey

When a girl has a loose vagina and it smells really bad

Dude did you see Morgan last night?
Yea dude that was some cold turkey...

by jasmarih April 14, 2016