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pat fans

pat fans: someone with a small penis but long hands and substitutes his fingers for his penis to please a woman

Woman 1: “last night was amazing! He had like a 6in dick and it was like it could move on it’s own never getting soft!”

Woman 2: “are you sure he wasn’t just a pat fans?”

Woman 1: “...”

by Galactic Jammer April 23, 2018

Patriots fan

Someone who drives a big truck and has bright LED headlights that blind everything and everyone. They usually get really close to the back of your car or rev their engine when they're in a quiet area.

Todd: Damn, does that dude have his brights on or something? Those lights are unnecessary.

Chad: Well he's probably a Patriots fan or something.

by Incosleep October 12, 2020

Fan Circuit

It's the small press publishing term for FanFiction.net circles who emerge from here; some publishers had decided to get on the site and feature their own takes on fandom. One of the writers in the circuit was published for less than year under the encouragement of his wife, a small publisher in Seattle who also published the controversial writer who emerged on Quakes And Storms: A Natural Disaster Anthology. One of the writers who also been published emerged after seeing The Statue as Fanlore.org followed her some as she brought one of the outings to AuthorsDen.com. Fandom_Wank it's safe to say were not pleased when they found out fanwriters were getting published in the small press along side original fiction writers from out of the box years before mommy porn emerged.

You'd be surprised in the mid-2000s who emerged from here, as the indie publishing circles would have a weird look from where it's known as The Fan Circuit . An Archive Of Our Own points out some of them. As what they failed to realize that some of them were published on the semi-professional circles since 2002 as a few appeared in the e-pages of Twilight Times. The one who is known as Joni designed the logo for the historic e-zine from the 1990s. Her print debut in the short form appeared on a Pensacola based anthology called "Reality Check: An Anthology Of Horror." Where she did the final edits to the story that's an alternate to the short story that the synopsis was for in the anthology known as "House of Spiders." Fanlore.org followed her Fan Circuit ties as she introduced a piece to AuthorsDen.com in the 2002 era as her original fiction output in the era was more high fantasy. Her short story output was Gothic Horror as she was the other Gothic Horror delegate in Reality Check.

by illinoishorrorman February 14, 2018

a brand that the fans trust

A line used in Lupe Fiasco's song "The Show Goes On" meaning that he's a trusted source and that they won't be ripped off.

The new skate shop downtown is 'a brand that the fans trust'.
Lupe's new music is 'a brand that the fans trust'.

by Ping-Pong March 21, 2012

1👍 1👎

Twitter Sonic fan

Twitter sonic fan: Sonic fans on twitter.
This is a description of the average 'Twitter sonic fan'.
Bitch about every minor detail.

Mental illness(autism, schizophrenia etc..)
Like to think every bad (06,Black night, secret rings) are missendertood masterpieces.
Aren't fun to be around. They're coping have sindroms of toxic negativity.

And most imporantly: They're huge meat riders.

'The twitter sonic fans' are harrasing that guy because he doesn't like a game 'the twitter sonic fans' adore.
That twitter sonic fan is disguisting

by Nakatashy April 10, 2023

Packers fan

A packers fan is a person who wears toilet colors and eats a steady diet of cheese, beer, and penis. They can often be recognized by their morbid obesity, lack of teeth, a block of cheese on their head, and a Busch lite in their hand. Warning: be cautious when approaching a packers fan, they may try to rape you after knocking you out with their horrendous blend of smells: beer, moldy cheese, BO, and unwashed ass. These creatures are often rabid and have been found to be strongly sexually attracted to close family members, mostly sisters.

Lions fan: "Holy shit, look at that fatass! Why is he wearing cheese on his head? Oh my God, he just kissed his sister!"
Bears fan: "Wow, I can smell him from here. That must be a Packers fan."

by Cakedup69 January 18, 2024

chelsea fan

a chelsea fan is someone with very very good football taste and no one should buly chelsea fans bc they win the champions league and premier league and FA cup and we are very smart and we will dont like every arsenal fan and real madrid fan and sterling is the best player ever

Girl 1: i love chelsea
Boy 1: i do too!! im a chelsea fan

by May 15, 2023