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Harry Potter Next Generation

In the Harry Potter fandom, Harry Potter Next Generation describes the generation of kids of the Golden Trio and others of

the same generation. Some kids of the Next Generation were introduced in the epilogue of the last book in the Harry Potter

series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and others were confirmed by J.K. Rowling in an interview.

Cannon Next Generation characters;

Harry and Ginny's kids: James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter

Ron and Hermione's kids: Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley

Draco and Astoria {Greengrass}'s kid: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

Tonks and Lupin's kid: Teddy Lupin

Bill and Fleur's kids: Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley

George and Angelina's kids: Fred Weasley (II), Roxanne Weasley

Percy and Audrey {Unknown last name}'s kids: Molly Weasley, Lucy Weasley

Luna and Rolf {Scamander}'s kids: Lysander Scamander, Lorcan Scamander (Twins)

My friends and I are incredibly obsessed with Harry Potter Next Generation.

by bickering_sidekicks April 25, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Tucker / Little Man

Likkl man is genuinely the nicest person on earth and is like Roberto Carlos and Prime ChrisMD combined.

Did u see Harry Tucker / Little Man goal at the weekend?

by Romanrome23 February 28, 2022

Harrison Harrison Harry

He is very gay and pays to fuck people. he has brown hair fast and loves lacrosse. he plays defense in lacrosse becuase he thinks its the sexiest. he is average hight and also uses the name cody.

your such a harrison harrison harry freind.

by Yeeeeeeeting October 10, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Townsend Harris High School

A public school located in Flushing that has an emphasis on the Humanities. There are about 1,100 students enrolled in this selective school. Girls make up the majority of the population. Students are "Harrisites".

All of the classes are honors level, so only APs are weighted. Every year, students are assigned special "collateral" projects in each subject. Collaterals can be research papers, presentations, poems, or even art projects.

Since THHS is part of CUNY Queens College, students must take college classes, free of charge, during senior year. They are also allowed to use qc facilities, including the library and gym, all four years.

THHS is a short bus ride away from Main Street, Flushing where there's a variety of Asian restaurants, cafes, and shops.

It's an extremely safe school with a small atmosphere. In 2010, the US News and World report ranked THHS #33 out of "America's Best Public Schools".

1) Townsend Harris High School, originally founded in 1904, is named after the first United States Consul General to Japan.

by captchas are weird July 19, 2010

37๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Harry Potter

Toughest guy on the message board

A guy from Canada that doesn't take any shit

by Derek Elmore March 30, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The 7th and final book in the Harry Potter series. The title was announced on J.K. Rowlingโ€™s site on December 21st, and all Harry Potter fans celebrated and had a major Sqeeeeee moment. There are so many theories out there, but as of right now, little is known about the book. I just hope Harry lives and marries Ginny.

Bob: Hey, do you know what the final Harry Potter book is going to be called?
Bill: Yes, JKR said it's called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

by Genevieve S. December 25, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

harry potter puppet pals

A puppet show based off of the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling.

Puppet Ron Weasley: I'm hungry, Harry!
Puppet Harry Potter: What's new, fatty!?

From Harry Potter Puppet Pals "Snape's Diary"

by A stranger from Slytherin April 4, 2014

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