Source Code

very funny very cool

very funny very cool

Libtard Man: very funny very cool

Libtard Woman: very funny very cool

by Very Funny Man October 11, 2019

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k cool real mature

a phrase said when something weird has happened, your waiting for something, someone tells you do to do something you dont want to or other things like that

"Honey, go clean your room!" - mom

"k cool real mature" - you

by marcus jensen September 2, 2007

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Cool Math Games

A fun game that has no math in it whatsoever. You can play it when your teachers says "Play something educational." That's your cue to play Cool Math Games.

"You may now play an educational game like Cool Math Games, or another educational game."

by Me, Myself, and I! (Just Me!) March 16, 2021

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cool brother joe

An asshole from canada who thinks he can rap....but he can't

Oh man Cool Brother Joe can't rap for shit man.

by Sheibe Bitch May 23, 2011

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tecky, geeky cool

Phrase to describe a socially functioning computer nerd.

James: I bought a new Lappy last night with a 200gb HD so I can copy over all my files from my legacy drive. I was thinking after I migrate my data you and I could go grab Sushi and hit up a club?

Gianna: You are so Tecky, Geeky cool!

by James Davis IV October 19, 2007

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k cool real mature

its a phrase used when something to you has just been done that u thot was dumb or weird. Also if something isnt going ur way u might say this phrase

(your mom just told you to clean your room)(you would say)
"k cool real mature"

by marcus jensen August 15, 2007

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Duke Nukem Cool

Definition 1: Somebody who is so lame, they actually become cool.

Definition 2: A big headed tool.

Mainly used when talking to friends about another person.
Taken from the main character of the 3D Realms game "Duke Nukem 3D".

Yeah, Duke Nukem Cool.

by Zangetsu91 December 3, 2010

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