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Jordan elbridge

If you were to walk into a school full of mirrors it would be Jordan elbridge. Everyone you will ever meet is just like each other and there is no escaping. This is the place we’re people go to feed off of each other’s arrogance and preppy attitude. If I was to find anything fun to do at Jordan elbridge it would be to sit back and laugh at the class of 2025 boys pretend to either be gangsters or preppy golfers.

“Let’s go we get to go down to Jordan elbridge for our game friday”.
“Oh that’s good, it’s basically a free win because the class of 2025 boys don’t care about anything but jerking off in the bathrooms or dressing like eachother and the basketball team doesn’t care about anything but their stats which is exactly why they win 5 games a year.”

by helpme87 November 27, 2024

Jordan Elbridge

Jordan Elbridge is a town in New York where all the ugly ass, druggy crackheads, bumfucks, mullet wearing twerps, slutty ass whores, racist ass bitches, social rejects live.

Jordan Elbridges School is even worse, you got the slutty girls, the slutty guys, and then the rest are just fucked up in the head, The kids there will treat you like shit and make you feel like absolute fucking nothing. DONT move out to Elbridge or Jordan New York. You will regret it.

Jordan Elbridge is trash.

by ghost4444 October 16, 2022

Jordan Victor Reed

Would flirt with a piece of paper if it moved.

Girl: Dammnnn.. look at him..
Girl 2: Yeah but he is such a Jordan Victor Reed.

by Fatty McFatt Fatt April 22, 2011

Jordan Russ

A girl that is amazing DUH

omg jordan russ is AMAZING

by Jordan fishstickz January 20, 2021

Jordan 1s

Shoes by Michael Jordan (Basketball player) That are extremely popular these days. Known to literally make your foot bleed, says Jordan himself. He wore it to a game and his foot was so bloody. But their super cold and really nice to wear

"Did you see Michael Jordan after he wore those Jordan 1s
"Lol yeah his feet were red

by mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmom April 28, 2023

jordan heffern

Smart, beautiful and nice is how u described a Jordan Heffern. She is insicure at times but she is perfect. She is super athletic and lovable. Gets all the guys. Amazing at soccer, hockey and running.

Dude your date last night was a total Jordan Heffern
Your daughter is such a Jordan Heffern

by Evadely November 2, 2013

Jordan Torres

the biggest gentleman ever. he’s the type of person to not leave you alone if he knows something is wrong. he never fails to make you smile. he truly is one of a kind and anyone that has the opportunity to get to know him is very lucky.

Jordan Torres is so nice to his girlfriend, treats her like a princess.
Look at JT man, so inspirational.

by bellasara November 24, 2021