When your piloting a plane/helicopter and your dumbass crashes the plane.
Damn bro that pilot had a very trash landing
A word that describes the action of getting down and dirty with a garbage worker. Any sort of sexual act with a garbage worker works. It is also describes the act of having oral sex with a teacher.
Hey math teacher! All I can think about is trash-bagging you. I’m gonna come to trash bag you tonight.
When you fix something in an improper manner with a scant amount of resources that still counts as fixed, but you put the least amount of effort into it.
Joe Bob fixed the toilet by using a dog chain and a cinder block. In our neck of the woods we call that a white trash repair.
Wavy Lays Potato Chips Covered In Sweet Baked Beans!
Bro, these White Trash Nachos are amazing!
A useless rocket league player
Hal is trash mcchicken
Premade sugar cookies found at Walmart that are both cheap and delicious.
My teacher always gets white trash cookies for classroom parties.