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TMNT 3 Turtles in Time

The best film of all time.
Also a holy text

Most blu rays of this film have a trump 2020 dollar bill, a picture of Jesus Christ, a picture of yellow penguin toad, and a poster of Lanky Kong

Dude is that TMNT 3 Turtles In Time? The best film ever?

by SANS UNDERTRAEL March 6, 2020

2👍 1👎

Turtle Brownie

The act of applying used wet turtle brownies to a big brownie whilst brownies are hot.

Kevin dexterously performed the hottest turtle brownie of all time.

by TounguePuncher April 19, 2019

slumbering turtle

A poop that isn't ready to come out, or won't come out. The state of a poop before peaking and becoming a "turtle head".

Please, don't put your fingers in my booty. I have a slumbering turtle. #Kanye

by El Guapo Muchacho February 1, 2016

Group of turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

“Hey look there’s a teenage mutant ninja turtles

Teenage mutant ninja turtles: Group of 5 turtles with the colors red, purple, blue, and orange

Group of turtles

by Alexandria:) May 23, 2021

Turtle humping

When sexual satisfaction is reached without being directly involved in the action

When I saw them getting into it, I was turtle humping my ass off.

by Error219 August 28, 2019

Bee and Turtle Effect

Navigating the balance between acting quickly and efficiently in the present while biding your time for your vast long-term goals. Bees and turtles are diametrically different creatures, yet some of the greatest entrepreneurs and leaders borrow traits from both to create massive change.

Elon Musk Used the Power of the Bee and Turtle Effect to Win the Race Back to Space

Marc Benioff used the Bee and Turtle Effect to Create Cloud Computing

That Bee and Turtle Effect allowed Cori to build a killer career

by SaltnSand June 19, 2020

Turtle Kiss

After a heartwarming moment with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you both get on your hands and knees and arch your backs like a turtle. After touching your buttholes together, you both push out two inches of shit and rub them together until one of you drops yours onto the floor. That person then takes their partner's remaining turtle head up their ass. The elegant and beautiful, Turtle Kiss

"Wassup man, me and my girl turtle kissed at the mall in the food court yesterday".

"What!? Dude I was working there, you dint ever let me watch"!

by ThighGlider December 19, 2019