“faggot” everyone may be unaware that in old Irish slang “faggot” means a bundle of sticks, and hence a lazy person
Americans change the meaning of words and then we’re all supposed to stop using them because they decide it’s offensive Ireland has had this meaning long before the Americans find a new word for your sick discrimination
“Can you bring in the messages”
“Fine you Faggot”
sticks bundled together to be used as a fire starter
Get the faggot to throw in the fire
An OG gay, a real dick taker. Someone who religiously fucks men.
One example of a faggot is Logan Caillou Rust. This is a faggot
One from Belgium or one who's family is from Belgium.
Hey look at that Flemish faggot.
Someone who watches The new Buzz Lightyear and doesn’t expect some gay shit It’s obviously a sex toy story not for kids
That guy’s got a hole in his popcorn bottom yeah he’s a faggot
Somebody who forgot, who wanted to do a bad thing "FOR GOD" to someone because they got judgemental. Someone who wants fool-game- "I", someone wishes to be incarcerated for no good reason because they're allowing people to be racist for pleasure or out of senseless fear.
Faggot: A fat pig with a cigar and a glass of whiskey who likes to watch people suffer that aren't even their direct relations or inlaws. Someone who wants to take away your liberties because they think they're above God.
Faggot: A funny name to call your friends regardless of sexual identity or preference, cuz they know you're just fucking around and wouldn't bash you for being a homeless sexual (traveler?) or in a same-sex relationship with a sober, consenting adult. Used similarly to mother fucker, which does somehow does not denote that you believe that individual would have sex with your mother or their own mother. Funny German twin jokes. It's pretty gay, meaning jovial, or happy, to call your sexually queer friends faggots, because it means they are not sensitive to it, which might help them in the event of real hate speech.
Someone calls someone a faggot and means it, us straight ones will fucking grill that old crusty crab ass whip cracker like grilled cheese on Paris Island (grilled cheese is when your vagina gets all gross because you can't be sanitary because you're always stressin in the field and all you get is a little bit of water and maybe some leaves or baby wipes)
"'YOU WANT TO FUCK ON ME!?!?!? No, Jesus Christ, put some clothes on! Nobody wants to fuck on you!' OOOOH, I SEE, YOU WANT TO FOR-GOD ME!?!?! To FORGET ME!? TO FORGO ME!?!' NO! No way! Nobody wants to for god you! We have no idea how you got locked in there! We don't even remember!' OH, YOU WANT TO SYD BARRETT MY ASS!?!? WANT TO TURN ME INTO A DEATH STAR!?! 'Oh, shit, guys, he means business, we better do what he wants and stop calling him queer'"
"'Sup, you furry dyke cunt fairy mother fucking faggot!' 'Oh, not much man, just talking to my boyfriend about how I'm going to blah blah blah festival blah blah blah' 'Oh, that's blah, so, wanna like, go on a hike and smoke some weed and talk about plants and like, then play some games online, cuz we both like that, and then maybe, like, maybe go hang out with my wife and I later down the week?' 'Sure, dude, most of my life is spent researching or designing stuff, and being a faggot, I'd love to get out more, there are no good gays in my lame ass bigoted town to chose from because we all gets chased away by dirty looks from our old neighbors so I'm always online talking to men on forums about gay buttsex, it sure is nice to be accepted for who I am, I love it when you call me a faggot'"
A way to call a person in the LGBTQ+ community in an offensive way.