To completely whiff a ball in tennis.
Wow, these new kids keep Pulling an Andrew.
Getting high off grenadine and eating nothing but jits kibble
He said he’s only ever had three shirley temples and eats balanced meals, but I know he’s pulling an Andrew!
"Hey did you try Absolute Andrew?"
"Nah man, I prefer Absolute Ashley."
Scottish Andrew is a lad you may know . He usually uses the term “ wafflestomper “ and likes his iron bru . He likes all his male friends but gets intimidated by lasses. Don’t start on an Andrew
“ oh that’s scottish Andrew “
“that’s scottish Andrew “
Andrew Varrios is the most perfect guy you will ever meet.He is shy at first but do not let that get in the way because he will always want to make you laugh or smile when you actually get to meet Andrew.He is the most drop dead gorgeous person you will ever meet because of his pale skin,dark brown hair and brown eyes.He might be insecure at times if people talk badly about him but if this ever happens make him feel like he is worth it because Andrew will appreciate you very much.If Andrew Varrios ever likes you make sure to love him the way he loves you because it will be the best time of your life.
I date a guy named Andrew Varrios so this is my definition of him.We have been dating for 4 weeks now!
NEVER trust ANYONE with two first names please and thank you. <3
I do not trust Andrew Frank because of the composition of his name.