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Fake means someone who will act like your friend but talk shit behind your back, use you, steal all your friends, and disclude you then try and act all nice.

Ava Tap is fake she talks shit behind everyone’s back but calls people fake when she’s the fake one.

by Big Meep September 5, 2022


A person who pretends to be your friend and is nice to your face but then to their other friends they talk shit about you and talks behind your back. Usually the person being fake calls the other person fake.

(Becca) “Heyyy bestfriend”

(Sonia) “Hey girl”

(Becca) “I don’t fucking like Sonia she fake”
(April) “let’s tell Dani and Kayla to jump her

by Yo mans girl Sonia August 17, 2018


a friend that writes and practices her/his scripts every night before they talk to you the next day

what a fake bitch..............

by gmoney100 April 6, 2022


Someone that finds a lot of items in their refridgerator that aren't real.

Everything and everyone around her wasn't what it said it was, to her, the world was a fake one, though nothing about her was fake or superficial, in her mind.

by The Original Agahnim August 24, 2021


Someone that tries to offer somebody else the $5000 dollars they know damn well that they want.

Jacob tried to grab them at the heel by bribing them, hoping he could buy what he called their "birthright". Perhaps he was just doing anything he could think to do from getting eaten alive when he couldn't think of anything else. Perhaps being less fake would help him think right and act right before he tried it again.

by The Original Agahnim January 26, 2022


Someone that claims to be strong or strong-willed but is desperate to weaken others around them to try and walk all over them isn't a strong person at all.

Claiming to be strong or strong-willed when all you do is try to humiliate, disrupt, weaken, try to cause others to spiral downward go crazy is fake strength, it isn't strength. It is spreading weakness like wildfire and people can tell the wildfire to go fuck itself.

by The Original Agahnim December 5, 2021


Someone that wants to look/sound/act/feel things like tough/strong/adult, but tries to ban other people from saying curse words or profane language and is bossy about all the wrong things in life, things that aren't natural to repress (wear a mask, get a shot, don't cry especially if you are male, don't feel, man up, and so on).

The coronavirus might not be fake, but the people that perpetuate the lockdowns, restrictions, mandates, and dictations of people's daily lives certainly aren't naturals. Of all the things they tell you that are uncertain or to be unsure of, that people can be sure of.

by The Original Agahnim November 30, 2021