things that americans use to kill people
American: What do I do for a living? I go to this guy and he pays me 40 bucks to kill people of his choice. He will pay me extra if I use a gun. He REALLY likes guns.
The thing that when you point at a mother fucker, they go dead and funny bang
"He pulled a gun on the stupid mother fucker who was robbing him with a knife and fucked him up"
Gun a weapon made by people that make our wold worser btw guns are weapons that shoot a small piece of lead at high speeds enough to beak glass thin wood and shoot though flesh.
USA lets fight
Russia ok
Both pew pew pew kaboom
Russian solidier lets use are guns do end this gun fight
American solidier lets use are guns do end this gun fight.
Both pew pew bang bang.
Your depressed
You being Robbed
You wanna commit mass genocide