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Nut-rage (noun) -When a male becomes uncontrollable with hostile and aggression because of the increased testosterone from not having an orgasm in a set period of time. Usually self-indused and intentional.

The relaxed bonobo monkey was eaten alive by a chimp with nut-rage.

Going a month without watching pornography caused the nerdy teenager to become a warrior full of nut-rage.

The crusades were fought by devout nut-raged Catholics and Muslims.

Masculinity will not be enoculated if more men have nut-rage.

by Dabeast22 March 30, 2019

Nut rage

When a person is served nuts in a bag and not on a plate, especially in first class like they should be.

Heather Cho went full on nut rage when she was served nuts in a bag like a peasant.

by Madorlando September 18, 2020

HoFIRe Rage

Rage associated with the suffering of HoFIRe.

It can be inwardly or outwardly directed.

In some cases, it can be seen as another form of verbal affection towards the 'Hot Female' in question.
The severity of the rage often corresponds with the passion felt.

1/ Inwardly Directed HoFIRe Rage:
"I am such a f**king dick! Oh my god! I can't believe I just said/did/behaved like such a f**king retard in front of that girl! Now she thinks I am a complete F**kwit! Argh!"

2/ Outwardly Directed HoFIRe Rage:
Argh! YOu are so f**king hot you are driving me crazy! I walked into a f**king tree! What are you doing to my goddamn brain?!"

3/ HoFIRe Rage as a form of verbal affection:
"My GOD you are so amazingly hot I just want to tear your face off and fry it in butter with garlic and onions!"
"Your are so cute I wanna rip out your f**king voice-box and stuff it in your eye socket!"

(NOTE: HoFIRe Rage is not a threat against anyones personal safety. It is merely verbal. If you feel HoFIRe rage and it becomes physical and you end up wanting to actually harm another person, you more than likely have a mental health problem and need to seek help.)

by Wyldside27 April 26, 2011

raging beaner

A extremely activated boner that is usually used in a hot scenario.

Shall be used only when the receiving person does not understand the meaning of raging beaner.

Yo girl! I got a raging beaner right now man!

Girl: WTF IS THAT!?!?! Something is SUSSY here.

by Pissdemon47 May 22, 2024

rage gap

A difference in age beyond which a romantic relationship between people of that age difference (or greater) is no longer socially acceptable, hence inducing rage. One "rage gap" is defined as 10 years of age difference.

There are three rage gaps between Mr. Brad and Becky. This could be problematic.

by Too Young September 10, 2020

rage teach

when the math teacher starts rage teaching

person 1: why is ms brown yelling? person 2: rage teach

by feefwashere May 3, 2021

Crusty Rage

Definition 1: noun; When, during anal sex, an old, worn-out hooker, gets angry and clenches her ass cheeks and throws a tantrum, resulting in immense pain (or pleasure) and potentially several STIs to the other party participating in the sexual actions.

Definition 2: noun; a funny way to say Rusty Cage's name.

Def. 1: I was butt-fuckin' this nasty bitch the other night, and called her a white. Next thing ya know, she pulls a Crusty Rage on my honky ass!

Def. 2: Rusty Cage... Nah.. Crusty Rage lol.

by MyDadHitsLikeABitchLol January 10, 2021