A nobody can simply be defined as Tobias, a medevial physician who stole an adopted-royal's girl. He was so salty, that he called him a nobody.
Person A: You're a nobody
Person B: I'm a Tobias :(
Person A: Nobody: The Real Meaning
1. the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin green or red skin and crisp flesh.
2.the tree bearing apples, with hard pale timber that is used in carpentry and to smoke food.
Tom: You bro aren’t all real g’s apples
A phrase used commonly from native Americans to describe something awesome or appealing to them
Holy hell she's real bang!
a person who is very gay or is a faggot
Timothy Craddock is Paul too real
A female that has only had sexual encounters or intercourse with females. A female that has not had penal penetration.
My roommate is a lesbian, but she’s a real lesbian. She’s never had sex with guy with a penis.
for what to live and die.
as far as that goes focus on real and social concerns primarily in your waking life and - sweet dreams you can make happen!
all we here're into. ever.
as far as that goes what i like nothing more than to do viz. Urban Dictionary is pick the innocuous ones only to find something disgusting. the questionabler the better. choice!
substance, bound giving in to sound.
as far as that goes you're free wholly as long as you pick real and social concerns!.!
for years i had to make it make it to maidenhead, then i discovered real and social concerns. shirk-me-not
Could A Real Person Survive is a semi-satirical and semi-scientific look at the super moves of all your favorite fighting video games, and asks a very important and unnecessary question: Could a real person survive THAT?!
Layout for each Character Episode: Intro, Title, Super Move, CARPS Examination Playback, Outro, and Final Diagnosis
Green = Almost no injury
Yellow = Mild and lasting injury
Orange = Serious and life threatening injury
Red = Almost certain death
*There is the mulligan that there is an imagined medical team on stand by right outside of camera shot to treat the wounded.
At least 80 % of the time, the answer to “Could a real person survive THAT?!” is “No.”