A statement that is so fucking stupid, that you wonder if a character said that in South Park.
Don: World hunger is falling to an all time low!
Chet: The children are becoming white!
Don: What? That is so retarded! Stop making these South Park statements!
Chet: I could have sworn you said there were less hungry kids.
A school full of ether preppy middle class kids who act rich or redneck kids that talk about hunting, fishing, trucks, quads drinking and partying. No matter who you Are, you'll most likely attend at least one Georgetown party and get drunk and most likely get chased out by cops because some parents called because there's never cops around. there's a lot of kids at south side who don't care. The teachers are vary chill and fun. You ether hate them or there your best friend there's no in between. The schools vary small everyone probably knows everyone's names in every grade above them and to 4 grades below them. 80% of the kids don't even listen to country but wear boots and jeans everyday. If you don't wear boots and jeans or at least look laid back your probably one of the snobby kids that everyone says they like but don't. Rumors get around the school fast. Teachers even know who's having sex with who who got in a fight with who. They most likely know everyone's personal life wheather they know them or not. South side is a family that likes to fight eachother but also defends eachother.
Person 1: we have a game against south side beaver tonight.
Person 2: you mean that redneck school thats talks shit on everyone?
Person 1: yeah dude. It's gonna be a close game or a fights gonna break
Example 2:
Person 1: did you hear what happend at the crick party other night?
Person 2: yeah! Those freshmen girls are dumb partying with those redneck boys that are 3 years older than them.
A small-ish school in Western Pennsylvania. Has a very good football team but is constantly called racist just for the players being coincidentally all white(atleast this year). Has a bunch of basic white girls that claim to be country just for the "aesthetic". You'll also find guys that enjoy the mudding, riding, fishing, hunting, etc. Every once in a while You'll find a pasty skinny white boy that thinks he's a gangster and sells juul pods, it's pretty embarrassing. The highschoolers are chill but the middle schoolers are nuts. The lunch sucks thanks to Obama's husband. Many of the students are republican but some teachers are incredibly liberal and refuse to let students converse about politics among each other.
"Yo did you hear about the investigation on South side beaver football team?"
When shawty eats ice, and then put your balls in her mouth as the shrivel up.
Hey Emily, make sure to get a 20lbs bag of ice for tonight. I’m in need of a South Pole.
A scorn-worthy country that copies cultures from all over the world(ex: china,japan).
John: lol that kid from South Korea copied my hair style.
Afro south Asian Indians are As commonly conceptualized, the modern states of South Asia include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Ethnic groups include Sindhi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Tamil, and many others. The Hindus in South India are followers of various Hindu branches such as Vaishnavism,Shaivism, Shaktism, Brahmanism and others. These four castes are the Brahmins (priests, teachers), Kshatriyas (rulers, warriors), Vaishyas (landowners, merchants) and Sudras (servants), and the 5th group are the untouchables, called Dalits. One of the Hinduism's holy books, the Srimad Bhagavatam has a part which clearly says these castes must based on skills, qualities and activities. However in real life tradition, castes separate people according to their birth.
Afro south Asian Indians are a people who were colonized by their oppressors the British raj, which was a period of direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent from 1858 until the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947. Historically, Indians and Europeans alike popularised perceptions of south Indians and lower castes as darker skinned. In the late 18th and 19th centuries orientalists held that Aryan peoples had displaced indigenous Dravidians across the Indian subcontinent, from around 2000 to 1600 BC. After becoming a British colony, the image of a “Black colored” Indian was projected as inferior by British public officials. Darker-skinned Indians were less likely to be hired by the British empire and were given odder jobs and more tedious work, while lighter-skinned Indians were targeted as “allies” of the British and were hired more frequently for government roles. As stated by an American Sociological Society paper, “Whiteness became identified with all that is civilised, virtuous and beautiful,” and these lighter-skinned Indians were “closer to the opportunities that were only afforded to white people.” As colonialism occurred throughout the world, this mindset slowly drove itself into the minds of Indians, whether they realized it or not. A wedge separated Indians into lighter and darker shades of brown, creating generations with an innate desire to be lighter.
A real headass: "What's the Harvard of the South?"
Me: "UT Arlington... duh"