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Super Junior

- A group of over-aged men (?) who sing and dance and try to act cool and cute. Having a sexist member, drunk-driver, flamboyant guy-kisser, and a number of rude members will make it more Super Junior-ish.

- The ability to fool stupid girls to set a low moral standard for them but a strict one for other groups (most likely, for girl groups).

Look at those old losers, there bunch is such a super junior, so sexist and drinks too much. Can't believe other girls will go for them.

I don't care if they insult fat girls, rude in special events, and drink and drive, those boys have super juniored me.

by anti sj March 1, 2010

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super erection

1. What mark p's penis is called when it is hard

whoa mark has another super erection!

by Jesusatan August 29, 2003

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super rich

Any one with enough money if they can sleep on a bed made of 100 dollar bills, such as Bill gates, people with private yachts, you get the idea.

Did you know that Hillary Clinton is taking lot of money from private banks and corporations - around quarter of a million for a one hour speech, she's super rich.

by the disillusioned April 11, 2016

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super torture

When a hot woman strips naked in front of webcam and tells you about it while the webcam is blacked out.

She did a super torture to me last night.

by Swag king October 9, 2012

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Super Dumbass

A straight person that wants to be oppressed so they make a sexuality to feel special

Idiot: I’m LGBTQ
Me: Same. What is your Sexuality?
Idiot: Super Straight. That’s where you only like women who were born women
Me: With that logic, Lesbians are straight, you Super Dumbass

by IHateBigotry March 5, 2021

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Super Blumpkins

The act of giving a blowjob while receiving an abortion.

"Omg did you hear what Becky did? She gave her doctor at the planned parenthood a super blumpkins! Talk about squashing the patriarchy!"

by Katiekilljoy December 21, 2017

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Super Spreader

A Super Spreader is a person (mostly children) who has the COVID-19 virus and goes out to have fun.

Look at that Super Spreader over there on that swing set. He’s having fun without a care in the world about the pandemic.

by Mystical_Voodoo November 3, 2020

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