to post content for the sole purpose of baiting (and catching) people to troll.
Did you see the anti-Trump meme I posted? I was troll-fishing for my alt-right uncle and now it has 102 angry comments.
where you mess with andrew until he screams and yells and rips his hair out like throwing his water bottle and ripping his folder and taking his stuff November 15th
national troll andrew day, make fun of him take his stuff
The act of writing social media posts to create a screen around the person/thing you are supporting. The post will assert that anyone complaining or questioning your issue is a cooker, idiot, racist, bigot, L/RWNJ, political shill or similar. This is particularly the case when discussing matters of opinion, as opposed to matters of fact.
Examples would be “Those who vote against the upcoming …… are ……. “, or “If you think……., you ARE the problem”.
“That’s some nice preemptive trolling there, not too keen to defend your point then?” “His posts on twitter are just bulls$#t, nothing but preemptive trolling to shut down discussion”
A person who wears green on st patrick's day but conceals the green so that when they get pinched they reveal the green so that they can pinch someone back twice.
Doug: *pinches chris*, ha! your not wearing green!
Chris: *undoes sweater* here's two pinches! LoL u Mad?
Doug: Ah I didn't know you were a st. patrick's day troll!
Somebody who feels the need to take screenshots of a fellow Snapchatter's snapstorm.
When the Screenshot Warrior Troll has done this, they will usually send their screenshots to the people being talked about in said snapstorm. More often than not, the trolls have first-hand knowledge of the situation being referred to in the rants, something which allows them to stir the situation.
As may be expected, Screenshot Warrior Trolls find themselves removed and/or blocked on Snapchat pretty quickly due to the additional drama they cause, and if after reading a snapstorm they do not have enough knowledge to stir the situation effectively, then they will ask the fellow snapchatter what their story is about.
Screenshot Warrior Trolls are masters of pretending to be friends with the other Snapchatter, so they will come across as friendly in their asking about the snapstorm. But as soon as they realise what and who exactly the other person's story is about, they will screenshot said story and send screenshots of it to the people being talked about like there is no tomorrow.
"I’ve had to remove a couple of Screenshot Warrior Trolls this week. In doing what they did, they showed their true colors. Terrible!
A person with wild hair color bonus points if the have matching eyebrows l.
Blue,green and red are common
Rare rainbow hair and eyebrows
Bro you see Becky?
Ya she died her hair and eyebrows.
Dam she's a rare troll doll
A person who regularly passes out on others' floors / carpets. Said person may have indulged in excessive alcohol or substance consumption. He or she may remain in this state for hours or possibly days.
John-boy drank a fifth and became my carpet troll for days. No literally.. four days.