Going through a homeless tent town as fast as you can collecting as many man loads as you can in a homemade funnel.
After the funnel has redhead MAXIUM CAPACITY...butt chug it.
Then walk into a day care while telling the children you’re the frosting monster, as they cry.
“Mom, did you see me give The Uncle Charlie to those kids?”
The man the myth the legend, dirty uncle yellow( Ryan wiegand). Known for cooking bomb ass food, spinning fire, cutting up goats in tents at festivals to
Feed everyone around for days, and falling asleep randomly, at any time or place.
Duy for short
Did you see dirty uncle yellow taking to Ben earlier around 2pm. Yeah I seen him yellowing out while leaning against a tree mid sentence.
The spare room your uncle keeps locked.
Often the location of thousands of pornographic DVDs , VHS tapes and magazines.
Occasionally the location of you wearing only bunny ears surviving solely on corn cobs and diet orange soda.
After two weeks in Uncle Randy's funhouse, I don't think I'll ever be able to sit right again. All the eye bleach in the world could never be enough.
a very weird uncle that is very sexual towards you and always trys to be alone with you and talk to you. He's most likely a child molester and he always touches your arm, waist, legs, or hips
Uncle: Hey, Jordan....
the goat. an absolute legend. will never leave your side. will die to protect you. get yourself an uncle bob (t-800).
uncle bob was the goat. why did he have to die
Uncle Tom but specifically for white people
Margaret.. For the 50th time.. I enjoy seeing other white boys get beaten up on Twitter! I'M AN UNCLE BOB.
A lie so obvious even the person you tell it to knows, but understands they shouldn't ask anything else.
Mexican guy to John Connor - "Who's your friend?" John Connor - "Uh, Uncle Bob" Mexican Guy - "Uncle Bob, eh? Oookay."