Some person: Hey! Who left thi—
Me: Your mom
You are not nor will you ever be better than me Chris. Nor COULD you ever be.
Hym "Who I really am is being laundered off by YOUTUBE FUCKING PARASITES who want to be both famous and important and I am better than all of you worthless fucks. Tell the fucking parents you were a better alternative Chris. Tell them that and see if they care. They won't. And you won't care what happens to their kids. You'll pretend it wasn't you while pretending to be me."
Men who have zero rizz and get no bitches
toe: I got rejected again...'
River": wow, you really are a great example of Men who get no bitches
Who said penis is a game played by middle and high schoolers. You get a group of 2 or more people in a quiet classroom. You each take turns saying "penis", each time its said the next person has to said it louder. Eventually the teacher will turn and ask "Who said penis?". Last person to say it and get caught loses.
I've been playing who said penis instead of studying during detention.
Man walking around, usually at work. Shouting “who’s shagging arse”
Hey boi, who’s shagging arse?
Descripe Patrick Stjerne: idiot who looks like shit :)