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jordikins day

july 1st is national jordikins day where we obey and worship jordan! jordan deserves this because she is the most talented person in the world🥺🥺

very ugly ppl: who even is that🙄👆
zoe laverne: leave.

by cooter fairy June 30, 2021

Run you fade day

The day where you fight the person you been wanting to fight.

person 1 - Did you know what today is

person 2- what

person 1- national run you fade day

person 1- common lets fight bitch

by May 7, 2024

National Bully Ovi Day

You know that long haired idgit you go to school with that has long hair and climbs trees? Yea. ovi. Bully him. Bully him as hard as you can and don’t stop. This holiday/tradition has been taken aback many a years through my ancestors and we must carry it on. It takes place daily throughout the year. It is always national bully ovi day. Wherever you are.

Ovi: hey you wanna play some magic?
You: no you f*** f***** uggo!
Ovi: hey that’s not very nice
You: I don’t care! It’s national bully ovi day *proceeds to bully ovi harder

Ovi: noooooo!

by Godiathon January 25, 2024

Columbus Day

Columbus Day and Indigenous people's day is the same day on a calendar. For the Indians, it's Fuck Columbus Day like every other day on the calendar.

Columbus certainly wasn't Santa Claus, so Columbus Day isn't anything like Christmas.

by The Original Agahnim October 7, 2021

National Cruiser Day

This is the day we all drink cruisers
New Year’s Day was a couple of days ago
But don’t forget getting drunk
Grab all your mates and grab a significant amount of cruisers and drink till you’re blackout

Jim: I have work
Gc: it’s national cruiser day what do you mean?

by cruiserlover January 3, 2022

National concrete day

You have a cake or donut a month after your birthday as a month after the day of your birthday

Hey what do you want for your national concrete day

by Hdbrvusns November 6, 2022

National concrete day

You have a cake or donut a month after your birthday as a month after the day of your birthday

Hey what do you want for your national concrete day

by Hdbrvusns November 6, 2022