February 26th is this wonderful holiday
Hey can we fuck?
Uhh why?
Because it’s National fuck your crush day
Wooow that was smooth... sure
On July 30th Devins all around the world are celebrated. Smoke a blunt and celebrate your greatness 🙂
Its National Devin day! Happy Devin day
April 9th, national hug a duck day in England, Norway, and Iceland. In previously mentioned countries, you must hug at least one duck on April 9th, or suffer consequences such as the death penalty, or up to 40 years in jail, depending on what other fowl have been hugged.
"Hey, I heard Betty forgot to hug a duck on hug a duck day"
"Yeah, she's dead now."
ping reeman day on 27th december
Ping reeman day on 27th subwoofer kys
beat a owner day is a day on the 12th december in wich you can beat any owner of discord server and they can not fight back
guy: i am so mad with this server
owner: then just leave
owner OH NO
referring to a time period where one self harms or cuts themselves
I cant send you thigh pics because of my fruit ninja days.
September 21st
The Day We All Get To Celebrate Hivemind Riley. Aka - RileyJohnSavage
Grant: Hey Dignan, did you know it is Hivemind Riley Day?
Dignan: 🦪