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Alex appreciation day

This day is to appreciate anyone named Alex. If you know someone named Alex, or are even taken by someone named Alex. Let them know your appreciation for them, and let them know that they're loved.

me: "bro its Alex appreciation day do you know what that means?"

friend: "no? whats it mean?"

me: "it means we have to contact anyone named Alex, and tell them how much we appreciate them."

by golden_the_proto July 20, 2023

National sell someone day

December 5th is national sell someone day! Sell someone your friends your family randoms on the street or someone named kazuha or venus!

Hey what’s today’s date?

December 5th

Oh national sell someone day
Yea I sold someone named kazuha

by Worldball December 5, 2023

National Irv Day

A day of that year that is reserved for Irv’s all around the globe. This nationally known holiday has the reputation of a day of craziness. It’s a day all about celebrating Irv, appreciating Irv, and most importantly letting national Irv day be known for the uncultured people who may not know about it.

Hey dude, June 4th is coming up! I can’t wait, we need to get a piñata and tannerite to celebrate. This is going to be the best National Irv Day of all time!

by I like dick 27 May 24, 2024

Pollution free Day

Pollution Free Day is a day you can pick

( between May 7-14 ) to help our environment. You can do this by using eco-friendly vehicles, picking up trash, etc.

Y/n: Pollution free day starts tomorrow!
Friend: I am not available tomorrow:,)
Y/n: That is why you can pick between the days May 7- May 14! That way if you are busy or unavailable a specific day you can always do it another time:)

by 🧸Your ecofriendly neighbor<3 May 2, 2021

10 day cowboy

Where a city boy dresses up as a cowboy for the 10 days of Cheyenne Frontier Days, but after it's all over they relentlessly bully all the real cowboys.

Hey there's a 10 day cowboy over there

by Yeahboycowboy July 25, 2019

Aqua hair day

June, 14th!

It’s aqua hair day!! Congratulate your favourite aqua haired person!!

Happy aqua hair day!!”

by Knoire June 14, 2022

National Suck ulyssa titty day

Suck some titties!! You can’t lose! It’s therapeutic for both male and female.
A day where females run their finger through whomever’s hair as they get their titties sucked. It is said that it is very therapeutic for a female.

National titty sucking day: a day where both male and female can enjoy sucking on some titties

Hey today is national suck Ulyssa titty day

by Tit day tit day October 1, 2023