The result of entirely too much drunken Taco Bell.
Oh man...I'm never going out for drinks with you again. I woke up with some serious anal nova this morning.
When a man shoves a whole package of grapes into ones anus. As they sit there and wait for them to poop it out the man eats the grapes as they fall out of the butthole.
I gave my girlfriend some grape anal last night.
When you give an estimate and pull the numbers from your ass.
The mechanic had no idea what the problem was so he gave me an anal estimate.
a guy who always hogs a womans anus in bed, or always wants a womans anus,
or, a person being a complete douche !~
"ohmaigawd, richarD is such an anal walrus!~"
" omaigawd, stop being an anal walrus, already!~"
A person who does acrobatics in the middle of Anal
Jaira is an Anal Acrobat
When you trap a fart in your partner's asshole with your cock.
Sarah's fat ass ate a taco twelve pack from T-bell, so I gave her Dutch Anal to keep her from stinking up the room.
Pouring chocolate on fries to make it look like you put it inside someone’s anus
Damn I want some anal fries right now!