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Green Party

Political party made up of overpriviliged white college students with a guilty conscience who usually know jack shit about politics.

by El Freak October 23, 2003

132๐Ÿ‘ 285๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reverend Green

Another term for cannabis. Simply as it includes the word green. Can be shortened to just Reverend.

Lets go see the Reverend green

by Yahegdirf July 11, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

green day

Greenday is just a band doing what they do best, make music. I'm not much into the punk, pop-punk scene so I wouldn't know their music too well, but this change in music for them sounds normal, a change in lifestyle might have meant a change in lyrics for them. As far as the being "sell-outs", I don't care, they're using their talents to make money so quit bitching about it.

Green day is a band just like any other

by Durkah Derek June 4, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Green Queen

An obnoxiously impossible troll -like woman, who is hard to please, overly cynical, dramatic, self centered, bitchy, and cruel.

Usually, this woman will stir drama of all kinds and then point fingers and blame other people, upset other people's lives, abuse the internet, gossip, trash talk, intentionally hurt others for her own personal gain and amusement, bully and insult other people, judge everyone and everything and then proceed to perceive she is above everyone and everything.

She can often be seen strutting around in typical drama queen fashion, as if she is some kind of Goddess who deserve to be up on a pedestal. All too often, people feel the need to coddle, and baby these women, because sometimes, that will quiet them down long enough for everyone else to get some peace and quiet.

At the root of this woman's attitude problem and poor social skills, is nothing more than resentment, LOW SELF ESTEEM, ignorance, and above all else: JEALOUSY (thus the reference to the color 'green')

In short, this QUEEN'S favorite color is GREEN.

"Don't pay any attention to Jane. She's just another pathetic, cold hearted, shell of a human being, and... a big time Green Queen."

by urbandictionarywords January 17, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Green day

Shitty bunch of black hair- dyed nerds, who couldn't get anywhere with their previous, more original material, so they began ripping off the lessser-known Australian rock band The living end (who were around way before Green day!!). Green day soon resorted to stealing pretty much every living end song produced and took advantage of their already aquired fame to make it look like they thought of it all by themselves. Listen to any living end song and you will see what i mean (sure enough you will be able to find a green day song which is sickingly similar to that of an already released living end song!) Any Australian or brit will be able to suppport this.

kristy: "OMG!!, have you heard that new green day song, American idiot? wow its like so totally angry and cool, it's like soo rock n roll!"

bill: "yea i heard it 2 years ago, except a band called The Living End were singing it".

by u r cool April 21, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

green thumb

when you are doing a girl from behind, and you about to ejaculate, you stab her in the back with a gardening spade.

Dude 1: "I think I am going to plant a garden for my girlfriend for our anniversary"
Dude 2: "Don't be such a pansy. Give her the green thumb"

by Theodis Bergstein June 21, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

green bowl

when one partakes in the initial lighting of a bowl of marijuana

I bought this sack bigot... I get green bowl.

by Anonymous February 19, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž