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gun racist

When a gun is said is labelled bad just for being the class of gun or type of gun it is and the gun is not labelled for the actual statistics it may occur to show off to the world like accuracy or fire rate but it's just taken for the class of what it is.

"Little Timmy over there hates the M1911" "why" "not because it's bad or anything but because it's a pistol" "that's very gun racist"

by Proguy67 July 26, 2017

A Black Gun

definition of someone who is a "Black Gun"

a black gun is a person who just exists, follows orders, no thoughts no ambitions, just an organism that is alive but not living, aka someone who doesn't have major interest or hobbies, but does theyre work and job, not many people can stay being black guns in life, but those who do never fire theyre shot

definition of someone who is a "Black Gun"

a black gun is a person who just exists, follows orders, no thoughts no ambitions, just an organism that is alive but not living, aka someone who doesn't have major interest or hobbies, but does theyre work and job, not many people can stay being black guns in life, but those who do never fire theyre shot and stay as they are for aslong as they live

definition of someone who is a "Black Gun"

a black gun is a person who just exists, follows orders, no thoughts no ambitions, just an organism that is alive but not living, aka someone who doesn't have major interest or hobbies, but does theyre work and job, not many people can stay being black guns in life, but those who do never fire theyre shot

person 1:Jim your such a Black Gun, why are you even here
Jim:Whatever you say

by Blaze the dragon June 22, 2024

A Black Gun

definition of someone who is a "Black Gun"

a black gun is a person who just exists, follows orders, no thoughts no ambitions, just an organism that is alive but not living, aka someone who doesn't have major interest or hobbies, but does they're work and job, not many people can stay being black guns in life, but those who do never fire they're shot and they'll never realise they're potential and just exist until they die

person 1:Jim your such a Black Gun, why are you even here
Jim:Whatever you say

by Blaze the dragon June 22, 2024

pump the guns

To work out. (Guns = biceps)

Did you skive off work? Yeah, just been at the gym to pump the guns.

by plasmasnake1 November 18, 2021

Gegro TAC-1MA Gegmachine Gun


"My friends sandwich just got shot by a Gegro TAC-1MA Gegmachine Gun"

by Gegothy The Third November 2, 2023

Gegro TAC-1MA Gegmachine Gun

A gun of which destroys

"My friend just got shot by a Gegro TAC-1MA Gegmachine Gun yesterday morning"

by Gegothy The Third November 2, 2023

water gun revival

To load water gun with semen then discharge in the mouth of yawning bystander's.

Hey joe, you want to go to the sleep clinic and dish out a water gun revival?

by Hatred4 haybales July 1, 2020