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Social Miscreants
An incompetent, inconsiderate, or otherwise completely intolerable individual, causing others to feel that this individual needs to cease their irritating behaviour. This individual is highly unlikely to do so, and will forever remain needing 'to not'.

1- "That guy is staring at me, and he's really creepy. He needs to not."

A: "A woman asked me at work today how the lift (elevator) works, because she's 'not from round these parts'..."
B: "She needs to not."

3- "They need to not. Get the smack-bat out."

4- Babies crying and mothers ignoring them/glaring at your look of judgment - a classic example of 'People-Who-Need-To-Not'.

by PineapplePolarBear March 29, 2013

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Tall people rule #3

You are legally allowed to bully any short person

Well according to Tall people rule #3, I’m legally allowed to bully you cause you’re short

by SomeRandomDude11 December 12, 2019

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

the most awesome people in the world

The Irish people who live on the planet called earth or people of Irish decent.

oh my gosh you're Irish! You are one of the most awesome people in the world!

by boondocksaint44 April 11, 2008

17πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

large dark nipple people

A race from a far away planet, ruled by the invicible Wing-Blow, who was purposly taught wrong... as a joke. His nuts-to-fist style of martial arts is world renowed and feared.

"I rock... and roll... all day long. Sweet Suzy!"

"No! He will kill you like a small dog!"

"Oh God... again with the squeaky shoes!"

by Tristan & Elise November 3, 2004

36πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

avery likes naked people

simply put, Avery prefers people without their clothes on as opposed to those fully dressed. If he were to throw a party, he would probably make it a nude celebration, seeing as he likes naked things. The only exception would be the naked mole rat, which looks better with clothes on.

Avery likes naked people way more than clothed people. but don't we all???

by Boogiemonster1121 June 18, 2011

24πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

flying purple people eater

a castrated pigeon that like to eat pickled onion monster munch

dude 1 'whoah what was that!'
dude 2 ' looked like a flying purple people eater!!'
dude 1 ' oh'

by the fppe man February 22, 2010

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

kill short people day

kill short people no consequences on october 22nd

hey its kill short people day yay kill gianni hahahah he dead now.

by boobs22 October 22, 2020

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž