Source Code

[Secret Service Special]

Agreeing to $800 for sex and then offering $30 after sex

The secret service agent agreed to $800 for sex and then tried to give her the Secret Service Special by offering her $30 in the morning

by 00(-7) April 29, 2012

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Thunder Bay Special

Pro-union workers are given the Thunder Bay Special when corrupt, fake, back stabbing, anti-union scum bags plan a targeted assault, usually from behind and without warning, against a pro-union worker and purposely break his leg, the assault is then covered up by the unions involved along with the Ministry Of Labour and police.

We gave that pro-union guy the Thunder Bay Special when we attacked him from behind and broke his leg.

by RainbowWarrior2001 August 11, 2022

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Jack Frost Special

When you eat ice cream during the dead of winter, or generally when it's freezing outside.

"Jean says that she's cold and she's in the mood for my white creamy Jack Frost Special."

by Juvo415 December 10, 2009

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special booty hoe

A hot,sexy, guy who is annoying at times but u still love him 😘❀️❀️

"Luke, your my special booty hoe!"

by Hot one October 7, 2017

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Bin bag special

When a girl has a decent face but a fugly bod

Ah fuck that bint is a bin bag special

Hahaha Ed just pulled an absolute bin bag special

β€œThat ass could be used as a ruler, she must be so ugly!” β€œShe could be a bin bag special”

by dank kushty October 11, 2017

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the clint eastwood special

when two gay men, while giving eachother handjobs, have a "distance competition" with the cum shots. the loser must then angrily give the winner a rim job. While all of this is happening another gay man is licking up the shot sperm and penetrating the losers asshole using the cum as a lubricant. and for the special, a firm turd is taken and used as a dildo for one of the 3 assholes.

I went on a date with 2 of my boyfriends to chippendales and we decided to go home and do the clint eastwood special.

and how did that go for you?

well we couldnt get a firm turd, they were all liek rabbit pelets. but other than that i won the cumshot contest. and woke up the next morning feeling quite saucy.

by german sniper December 26, 2007

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green light special

When you are parked at stop light and someone is behind you, and when it turns green you don't move and piss the person behind you off. But as Soon as it is turning red you take off, and make them wait again.

This dude cut me off back there so I got in front and gave him the green light special.

by Bomb April 5, 2005

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