The act of using a block starter in the sprinting events: 100m, 200m, 300mH, 400m; and falling at the beginning of the race giving the track a nice grind.
Past Tense:
Aaliyah track and chilled on her 300mH race.
Present Tense:
Track and chilling at the moment so I don't need to run.
Future Tense:
I want to track and chill later at the 100m and eat shit.
It means that you are relax and cool with some situation. That time when your nipples get relaxed. Instead of been hard, they are soft and no pointing up.
Oh man, relax! You better chill the nipple.
A place (most commonly found in a bedroom of a cottage) that is super chill and private enough to do drugs in. Usually occupied by 2-6 meth heads at one time.
“Hey yo Mike meet at the super chill spot. J-Money got some shit.”
Chill sport is a series of sports that do not require high-end athletic moves.
Golf is my favorite chill sport!
Looking sexy as fuck while being comfortable, having swag without putting up effort
Hey Ashley ? See that guy over there? His chill fashion is on point
when a man puts his underwear on backwards, bends over, pulls his scrotum throw the penis hole and sprays it with a cold can of air freshener
My gurl ca.e over over last night amd gave me an arctic chill out
Smoke weed and chill, better than Netflix and chill
You tryna chief n chill?
Ya boiiiii