Source Code

Rifkin Wall

In RTS games walling of is the process of building structures side by side designed to keep enemy units outside of a base.

A Rifkin-Wall aims to do that but fails badly by leaving holes between structures that allows enemy units to get in easily.

a.k.a pasta strainer

-LUL Dude, look at that rifkin wall; those lings are flooding in from every angle...

by F3R4L June 15, 2017

tape the wall

Code word for take a shit

Ex 1: "ah damn I need to tape the wall"

Ex 2: "What is taking Taylor so long?" "Oh she's taping the wall"

by Raverforlife4 June 13, 2014

Dry wall cunt

A women that is such a cunt that her super cunt powers can make a man put his fist threw a wall destroying the drywall...

Jeez, that Kirsten sure is a dry wall cunt.. better look out! She's such a bitch. Fuck that dry wall cunt!

by Dr wankinyoureye May 29, 2021

wall hopping Mexican

A Mexican that jumped a wall

A wall hopping Mexican is A Mexican who jumps 6 feet over a wall

by SYTOPIMFONR January 12, 2023

Kacper walle

A 14-16 yo polish lad often hated by a group called the EDL and is always accompanied by 2+ other polish people and often likes getting pegged .

look out its kacper walle

by mr.jack Jones May 24, 2022

wall space

A euphemism meaning either stomach muscles or lack of a serious relationship.

"Eric invited me over...he said he wanted me to check out his wall space."

by LilNorco January 31, 2017

Seventh Wall

Aka: backlog.


If you ever do anything, you probably have quite a mess behind this one. Whatever it is; are those first cringe fanfics, old art, unfinished art-and-craft projects, some proof-of-concepts, kept for future reference, or really anything that lays there, almost forgotten by you, hardly known to anyone else, if not lost forever in the sands of time, then waiting for some future archeologist to be discovered and possibly make you famous long after you don't give a shit.

Some people enjoy getting beyond the sevent wall once in a while, although motivations to do so are miscellaneous. Sometimes it's refreshing to see the change and progress, sometimes it's good to feel the blues and nostalgia, other times digging through the old ideas can bring inspiration, and sometimes it's simply matter of cleaning up. But for the most part it's to add another one to the pile.

The seventh wall is also the limit, beyond which you let only the most proven and the bestest of the dudes and dudettes you ever known. Think about all that cringe texts, bad style, undefined form, broken rules and/or proportions, unmatched colors, messed up code, tangled threads, short circuted wires and generally all that playfull and/or angsty mess that made you the person you're now. All the mistakes you've ever survived making, to live yet another day, and to never tell anybody about.

"Well, that project was fun while it lasted, now it's utterly fubar. I've put to much time and effort to simply scrap it. well, then, off the seventh wall you go."

"I had this one project I really wanted to finish... It should be just beyond the seventh wall. Just a quick look....Oh, me... oh, my..."

by jrzk December 15, 2022