When you made some great food and it makes your asshole sneeze out ouf excitement for whats to come
This food looks great , Bong asshole sneeze.
1. A person (usually male) who engages in acts that put his feelings or rights above those of others. However, the degree of asshole this person is depends entirely on whether the person concerned realizes that he is an asshole or not.
2. A word typically used by females in attempt to make their male partner feel guilty about something he should not feel guilty about.
1. Moll: Tom and Dick are both assholes! Why'd you wanna fuck with Tom instead?
Nell: Cos Dick is an asshole and he knows it!
2. Why did you fuck her you asshole? Didn't you know that next week would be the first time we were ever gonna meet?
Donald Trump has killed over 160,000 people in America. He is such an asshole.