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Hug Yo Crush

Today’s National hug yo crush day.

Friend: Hey isn’t that your crush?
Me:Yea why?
Friend: Go hug him.
Friend: Remember Today’s National Hug yo crush day.

by .Kaiiii2x September 4, 2021

crushed black diamond grill

White man usually acting as black gender with jacked up cavity filled mouth thinking he got a grill

Look there is Robby with his crushed black diamond grill cheezin!

by Txpud63 March 13, 2020

aromantic crush

One who loves crushing on people but if they had the chance to be with them they would say no, because they like the idea of romance but they don't want it to happen in reality because they know it ends in rejection and heartbreaks romatic crush

A: Isn't Timothee Chalamet so HOT????
B: Yes I LOve hIm sO muCh
A: What would your reaction be if he asked you to marry him? I would faint and take the ring HAHAH
B: I wouldn't marry him, I'm an aromatic crush
A: What's that
B: I am attracted to him, but only one night stands for me! I love the idea though.
A: inTerEsting!

aromantic crush

by timotheechalamet1234567 November 23, 2021

1👍 17👎

National Text Your Crush Day

On September 24 you text your crush and it’s ok if *insert pronouns here* reject(s) you at least you don’t have to wonder what if

You: hey it’s National Text Your Crush Day so, wanna be my *were gonna say person*
Crush: omg yesss

by dëēź ñūtż September 21, 2021

Ask Crush To Date You Day

October 4th, Ask Your Crush Day, This Can Be Used In Many Places Like, School, Work, And Many More

I’m Ask My Crush On Prom On Ask Crush To Date You Day

by luvzayan On Tiktok! October 3, 2021

2👍 1👎

crush stain

When someone shits their britches and poorly washes their garment. So they walk around with crush stains on their seat

Hey Jackie got crush stains on her mom jeans

by obviouslyadoughnut October 10, 2020

National ask out crush day

june 23, national ask out your crush out day! maybe they’ll even say yes to you, go get em!

hey! it’s national ask out crush day, have you asked your crush out yet, i think he likes you!

by your main hoe g June 23, 2020