Jacob is a person who sucks at all video games especially fortnite, apex legends, Minecraft, and most of all fifa. He normally has a brother named Samuel who is equally bad at video games and thinks he knows everything but he doesn’t.
Jacob has never gotten a solo dub in fortnite.
Can be a robot to some people... Very shy but okay to be around
Who's that robot?? Oh it's a Jacob
Jacob is an amazing person and everybody loves him. All the girls like him but are scared to talk to him in fear of him turning her down.
Girl 1: Oh look its jacob!
Girl 2: go talk to him!
Girl 1: NO, he might turn me down and look at how hot he is! I could never be with him.
Jacob is someone that is gay, as in liking men.
Friend 1: “Hey isn’t that kid gay?”
Friend 2: “Yeah he’s totally a Jacob.”