The D is a mystical being who is an accomplice of The J. He used to be called Dennis R, but the community slowly started shifting towards calling him "The D" as the merchandising started to feature the latter name.
The D has received various buffs and debuffs throughout this update. He is no longer as prone to getting debuffed by missfosters or The J. However, his attack stat has become reduced while his defense stat has been increased, making him more of a tanky pick.
The D's number one move, "Neverending Anger", has been greatly buffed in that it now also boosts his defense.
Man, I was almost killed by The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch) yesterday.
broooo..... The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch) is so powerful he opened the door when two people were blocking it.....
I wish I could have my very own The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch)!
guy 1: amogus amogus amogus
guy 2: i dont get it
guy 1: r/woooosh
2 years later
guy 2: oh cool, amogus
guy 2: oh wait i finally get it!!!!!
guy 1: r/unwoooosh
A dank F R E S H boi who got all the memes. Ur boi shinee can be seen playing cs:go and wrecking all dem nubs. Gets all the girls with his billion dollar supply pf robux inside the popular game roblox. His mom is Britney spears and can not be beaten at anything. He has the dankest jordans and yeezees and you do not compare to him in anyway
(especially at being F R E S H)
"Damm boi, ur to F R E SH with dem new yeezees" "No you can never be to F R E S H zesty midget"
( it means ur F R E S H boi Shinee is to F R E S H for u) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
Short, Brown hair, fortnite, PlayStation, goes to jchs, and is wears a blue sweat shirt
Oh hay you remind me of Trenton R. , or your from germany.
Trenton do you want my lunch. no man
A phrase referring to the words "nigga" and "nigger," the latter being referred to as "the crime R", originally "the hard R" but rephrased after woke people pushed for a graffiti change in the videogame Stellar Blade.
-Dude...this guy's being a racist asshole, dropping Crime Rs every sentence.
-Crime Rs? Dafuk is that, bro?
-It's like Hard Rs, but woke-approved. Haven't you played Stellar Blade, dude?
A majority Marxist-Leninist subreddit, based on the podcast called "the deprogram", composed of variants of MLs and small minority anarchists, where a lot of based praxis, memes and news are posted. It also includes a large section of wiki, drbunking cold war anti communist propaganda.
"Wow, r/thedeprogram isnt actually a "stalinist" evil 100 morbillion dead gulag sub, rather a group of people promoting a more humane economic model who want the best for all, especially for the unsupported marginalised"
A good, majority Marxist-Leninist subreddit for the listeners of the deprogram podcast and other MLs where based memes, praxis and news are frequently posted, with a large section of wikipedia to debunk cold war era anri communist rhetorics.
"Wow, look at r/thedeprogram, it isnt actually a "stalinist" evil 100 morbillion dead echo chamber, rather a community of caring people who want a better future for opressed peoples!"